a new lamp

I've been doing some changing and rearranging around my house...like always.  Nothing ever stays the same for too long around here.  When I tackled the dining area, I moved around a few things and found that I needed a new lamp.  Something substantial and that made a statement. 

I think this lamp does that.

I started with this lamp base found at Goodwill that was already painted green.

I gave it a coat of flat white spray paint.  After sanding it down a little so the green would show through, I sealed it with a spray sealer.

For the lampshade, plain white just wouldn't do.  I found some great fabric at Hobby Lobby to cover the drum lampshade from Target.

Now I'm not going to tell you it was easy to cover this.  I made many mistakes.  But I used hot glue as my adhesive so I was able to pull it apart and try again.  It takes double the width of fabric you think you'll need.  Trust me on that.  The little strip shown in this picture was not enough.  I used hot glue along the seem edges, pulled it over the top and bottom and secured on the inside edges with more hot glue. 

I'm really happy with how it turned out. 

Here it is in the room.  More pics of the entire room to come.