My bloggy friends and I have an awesome theme for you this month:
Black and White
Here is my project
A black and white chevron tray for my kitchen table.
Here is how it started. Lovely eh?
I picked up this hot little number at Goodwill for $1.99.
I gave the tray a few coats with my favorite spray paint (amazon link) I only painted the outside edges because I knew I was going to cover the center.
I found some chevron wrapping paper at Hobby Lobby. Here is a link on amazon for the same paper.
I adhered the paper to the tray with mod podge and then let it dry over night.
I gave the tray about 3 coats of lacquer top coat (amazon link) to make it nice and shiny and durable for my table.
There are a few little wrinkles in the paper on my tray, but I'm ok with that. If you aren't ok with wrinkles, make sure and smooth the paper with your fingers before the mod podge dries.
Be sure to check out my friend's links!
Emily @ The Benson Street
Rebecca @ The Crafted Sparrow
Kaylynn @ Among The Young
Melissa @ Hollyhocks and Honeybees
Ashlee @ Flats to Flip Flops
Andie @ Maybe I Will
Adrienne @ Free Time Frolics