DOTS Young Women in Excellence

One of the things that has been keeping me really busy is my calling in Young Women. 
 Last week we had our Young Women in Excellence. Our theme was DOTS- Depend on the Savior. 

You'll have to excuse the poor quality pics, I forgot my camera and used my iphone.  

Our Young Women in Excellence was held in our church's YW room.  Since our theme was so formal, we had everyone wear Sunday dress.  During the program each YW was asked to come forward as we listed her Christlike qualities.  Since the YW theme is Stand in Holy Places, as she walked down the red carpet, she talked about some of the holy places she has stood in this year.  

For refreshments we served cupcakes and chocolate dipped pretzels with YW theme colors, Oreos, white and chocolate milk.  

This table right outside the door of the YW room held the invitations.  

Our secretary did a fantastic job on the invitations.  
Sorry for the black box, I didn't want to advertise our YW names.

A few weeks ago we had an individual worth activity where we had each girl sit in front of the chalkboard.  Then the rest of the YW and leaders wrote nice things about them on the board, including Christlike qualities. We took a photo and had it framed.  At YW in Excellence we presented the photos to each of the Young Women along with a polka dotted initial of their first name to remind them to Depend On The Savior.  

Even the leaders got to have nice things written about us.  I will hold this photo very dear to my heart for a long time!! (T is not my initial, I just wanted to show that our gifts to the YW looked like) 

We also had a display of each of the YW accomplishments this year.