ideas to fight summer boredom

We are right in the thick of summer.  
We've kept pretty busy so far.  
We've had girls camp, scout camp, day camps and a dance recital along with birthdays, 
meetings and appointments.  

Even with all of our summer activities, I've heard the dreaded, "I'm bored" many, MANY times.  

And while I agree with this article (seriously, go read it) that it's not my job to entertain my kids all day, every day, I thought it would be nice to have a list of things my kids can do.

So if they just can't find a way to entertain themselves, I'm prepared.  

When this cute little guy comes up to me to explain how there is nothing in our house for
 him to do, I can give him one of these tasks.

  There are some fun activities on there, but there are also some chore type things 
that always need to be done.  

I cut the tasks up into small strips and put them into a mason jar.  
Hopefully we'll have less, "I'm bored's", but if not, then at least my house will be cleaner!  :)