family Movie Night party

Just about every Friday night our family sits down together 
and shares a family movie night.

It's a great way to calm down after a busy week and 
get ready for the upcoming weekend.  

We recently had an extra special family movie night!

now showing, movie night, family party, party

movie night, paper lanterns, filmstrip streamers

I was sent some wonderful movie themed party supplies from
and knew it would be so much fun to jazz up our weekly movie night!

movie strip streamers, confetti paper lanterns

I started by hanging some gold and white paper lanterns 
in the center of our living room.
I used lots of curly ribbon to hang down.

stars, movie strip streamers, paper lanterns, ribbon

I used VIP Movie Night film strip streamers to 
branch out from the center.
I also cut some stars from black cardstock, 
sewed them into a garland on my sewing machine, 
and hung them around the lanterns.

now showing sign, lights, paper lanterns

Above the TV, I hung a Now Showing sign
I made from black poster board and a chalk marker.

I hung white twinkle lights around the sign.
I simply used removable Command mini hooks 
to hang the lights on the wall.
(amazon affiliate link-see full disclosure here.)

treats for movie night, concession stand, red carpet

I think our favorite part of the movie night was 
The Concession Stand!
I used a red carpet runner to lead up to the table.

movie buff cup, popcorn bag, treat boxes, concessions

I used snack boxes that held popcorn bags and treats for each person.
I also used Movie Buff drink bottles.

drink, movie buff cup, concessions

The bottles with straws worked so perfect for our family 
to sip their drinks while viewing the show.

movie night awards, movie buff trophy

Another fun thing we did was hand out awards after the movie.
I found these movie buff statues and 
made awards for everyone in our family.

blank ticket for awards, movie night, printable, fill in

I made up this blank movie ticket
and then personalized them for everyone in our family.

movie night awards, printables, movie buff

We all got a laugh from these awards!

movie night party, concessions, red carpet, brown couch

Our family movie night was a lot of fun!!  
I can't wait to do it again!