If you've ever wondered if dated figurines have a place in modern home décor, I am here to show you that you can give a New Look to Thrift Store Figurines.
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What do you think when you walk past the doo dad aisle at the thrift store? Most of the time I am a little creeped out by the cat statues with crazy eyes and the freaky looking porcelain dolls. But I have found some real treasures by looking a little harder (with a side eye to the dolls). So don't let those things keep you from seeing what's possible.
How to Give a New Look to Thrift Store Figurines
I seem to be on a little bit of a roll finding figures at the thrift store and I am here for it! From the cute little animals to the ladies who look super put out with their husbands, I think they're so charming and I love them all. I've been picking them up at the flea market, the thrift store and the antique store. My only requirement is that they not creep me out and so far I've found a bunch!
But how does one update what could be a dated figurine? Put a Cloche on it.
By cloche, I mean a thrifted glass vase of course. Glass vases are super easy to find at the thrift store. I also like to pick up candle cups and glass light fixture shades when I see them as well.
I think another way to update figurines is to give them something to sit on. You can use plates, a wooden bowl, pans, just about anything that will hold a figure and it's glass shade.
Put Together Figurine Display
Start with base - in this case a thrifted plate with a green band around the edge.
Add the figurine. You can place a little bit of museum putty under the figurine if it is sliding around on the plant.
Top it off with the glass cloche.
More Examples of Cloched Figurines
I found this tiny bull dog at the flea market. Since it is so tiny, it could easily get lost when displayed. But putting it on a small plate gives it some importance. And then the final step - put a cloche on it with a small candle cup.
I found these cutie lamp salt and pepper shakers at the thrift store. They are adorable, but small. So I grouped them together on a plate, placing one on top of a small wood scrap to add some visual interest. Then I put a cloche on it. In this case, I think the cloche is a candle holder that has lost it's base. But no matter, it has been given a new life.
I found these matching figurines at the thrift store. I bought the man first because I thought he looked like a leprechaun. The following week I went back to the same thrift store and found the lady. What are the chances of that happening and how did I not see her the first time I was there? Lucky me! I think the lady looks so put out with her husband- he probably didn't want to put his matching outfit on. haha. I put these two on a plate with the man standing on a scrap of wood. Then I did... you know what I did, I put a cloche on it. In this case, the cloche is an old light fixture shade.
So the next time you are at the thrift store, ignore the creepy ones and pick up a few (of the cute) figurines that you can give a new life by using a base and a cloche.
Supply List
If you can't find thrifted items, I have included (affiliate) links to help you find the cool stuff you need!
- cat figurines
- mom figurine
- dog figurines
- votive candle cup
- glass light shade
- glass vase
- wooden bowl
- appetizer plates
- fluted tart pan
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