Goal Setting for 2025

If you're looking for inspiration on how to make 2025 your best year ever, you are going to love this post.  This is a post on Intentions for 2025!

Intentions for 2025 pinterest pin.

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Hey friends!  It's the new year and the perfect time to make a fresh start!  Sometimes life doesn't turn out the way we want, but we have more control over our life and our attitude than we think we do.  So lets start off the year with new thoughts and processes to make life run smoother.  

Intentions for 2025

A long time ago, I decided that making "resolutions" or setting goals felt really rigid.  I felt if I broke one of my goals I had to wait until the new year to start again.  I reframed the idea of goals into intentions.  I intend to do several things to make life better.  If it doesn't work, I will pivot and try something else.  So that is the attitude I want you to have going into this!

How to set Intentions for the New Year

In order to set intentions, you have to get really honest with yourself.  Sit down with your journal and your favorite beverage in a quiet place so you can think.  Ask yourself several questions:

  • What made you happy this year?  
  • How are your relationships?  
  • What did you accomplish?
  • How did you spend your free time?
  • What made you unhappy?
  • What do you wish you would have accomplished?
  • At the end of the year, what would you be happy to have accomplished?  

Think about it all.  If the big picture overwhelms you, answer one question at a time.  That is what I did.  

How I Applied Setting Intentions for 2025

In my journal I wrote each of these questions on it's own page.  Then I went back and answered them.  I had lots of room on the page to write my thoughts and feelings, my  disappointments, my wishes and my goals. There are several actions and thoughts I want to leave behind, a few things I am already doing that I would like to keep and many new habits I would like to prioritize.

Leaving Behind

When I was thinking about what I want for 2025, I had to think about what didn't work in 2024.  Unfortunately in the business of life, I made a lot of bad habits and those are the things I want to leave behind.  

Complaining - even if it's just to myself.  When we complain, we signal to our brains that we are in danger and to find the threat.  Our brain doesn't know the difference between slow traffic and being chased by a monster.  When we think we are in danger, "the hormone cortisol is released into the body, which directs our fight-or-flight response. When our fight-or-flight response is activated, our brain redirects blood, oxygen and energy away from non-essential systems. Repeated complaining results in cortisol being released in higher levels, putting us more at risk of developing heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and strokes."  Read more here

Skipping Meals/only eating junk food-  I am working with my healthcare providers to feel better this year.  One thing I have found out that I am sensitive to low blood sugar.  Have you heard the term hangry?  Yes, that's me.  When my blood sugar is too low, it triggers my brain to thinking I'm under attack physically or mentally.  It's more than just hunger, it's feeling weak, tired, angry, scared, frustrated, having a headache and more.  No one operates as their best self when they feel those things often.  

Trying to please everyone - As a long term people pleaser, this one is tough for me.  I have spent so much time and energy trying to influence others so they will like me and I'll be good enough.  I listened to a podcast by Mel Robins expounding on her "Let Them" theory.  (I'll be buying her book too.)  We have no control over what the people around us think or do.  I have known that for a while, but listening to Mel explain it was a breakthrough for me.  

Rushing- I love to stay busy.  But the line between busy and chaos is very narrow so I end up rushing and being stressed.  I am definitely not my best self when I am rushing.

Catastrophizing- Oh how I like to worry.  And the more I worry the more it causes me to spiral and think the very worst of situations.  


I have several good habits that I would like to keep doing!  Go me!

Drinking Water - I have found several water cups and mugs with flexible straws that I really like and believe it or not it helps me to drink more water.  We also have a filtered water pitcher in our fridge for ice cold water on demand.  Those are the secrets to my water drinking success.  

Taking the dog for a walk.

Going for walks - my dog Lizzie is a high energy dog and requires daily walks.  I love going for walks with her, most of the time.  Even on the days when I don't feel like getting my work out clothes on, Lizzie gently (or not gently)  reminds me of her need to go for walks.  

Meal Planning - Every week I plan our meals.  I have a running list on my phone of our favorite meals.  Then it's just plug and play.  I usually write it down on the calendar on our fridge so my family can see it and frankly so I can see it and remember.  


After all of the journaling I did, like I explained above, I thought of several things I intend to do this year.  If I forget or mess up, it's ok, I'll just try again.  We could all stand to be more gentle with ourselves!  

Pause - take a break to regroup when upset.  Like I also noted above, rushing is chaos to me, and that includes rushing decisions and conversations too.  I made a plan to pause when I feel overwhelmed by thinking of a place to regroup.  I decided the bathroom is a great place.  I can excuse myself to go to the bathroom and take several deep breaths to calm myself so I can think.

Good Things bracelet.

Keep Track of Good Things - I have found that the more I notice good things in the world, the more I see them.  I keep a list in my phone of all the good things I see.  I had a bracelet made at a leather shop to remind me of my goal to notice good things.

Fair life protein drink.

Eat real meals with protein and watch blood sugar- I am no good to anyone when I am hungry.  It's actually kind of ridiculous that I have not prioritized my own meal times before now.  I am excellent at planning family meals in the evening, but I have been terrible about eating high protein and healthy foods during the day.  No longer!  I have purchased several high protein items like bars and shakes to help me with this.  

Exercise- When I examined my thoughts about exercise, I realized that I saw it as a punishment.  No wonder I have never been into it before. I am now welcoming the thought that exercise is how my body and mind feel.  

Let every situation be what it is- As I said above, I tried to control everything to please everyone.  Now I am going to allow situations to be what they are instead of being frustrated all the time.  I have already noticed myself doing this in traffic.  I literally have zero control over how fast anyone else drives or how backed up the cars are on the road.  Yesterday when I was stuck in traffic, I took a deep breath, relaxed my shoulders, turned on a podcast and mellowed out.  It was mind blowing that it worked!  

Messy craft room.

Be even more creative - doing projects, blogging, thrifting, filling my antique booths make me so happy!  I am going to fill my life with so much creativity that I don't have time or energy to worry about what anyone else thinks of me!  

Thank you for being here to read about Setting Goals in 2025!  I'd love to hear what you are leaving behind, keeping and prioritizing.