Heart Attack Activity

Teenagers are so awesome!
They are full of love and want to share
that love with others!

The perfect way to share love and build others up
as a youth group is a
  Heart Attack!

Heart Attack Activity  |  Use this idea to show your love for members of your family, your youth group and in your neighborhood

 I printed a list for the girls to write down names
they could give hearts too.
On their list they included the Bishop,
counselors in the bishopric, their parents, teachers and friends.  

Heart Attack youth group activity, how to build others up, Young Women activity

Since it's Valentine's  Day
I thought it would be fun to do a Heart Attack.

Heart Attack youth group activity, how to build others up, Young Women activity

We cut out hearts from construction paper.
The girls then went through their name list
and wrote messages on the hearts.
Through out the next 2 weeks, until Valentine's day,
they are  supposed to give their hearts out.

I was a very happy and grateful recipient of a few hearts.  
It made ME feel really good to
receive them from my sweet young women!