Day 10 Rice bags

Rice bags are really simple and easy gifts. They can be warmed in the microwave for 2 minutes and they hold the temperature really well. Last year a lady in my ward (church congregation) gave a class on gifts from your food storage and showed us these. I made a bunch and gave some as gifts. Everyone loved them! My kids fight over the ones I made for our house.

They are VERY simple to make.

I wanted certain colors, so I bought some fat quarters at Joann. But you could use any fabric you have on hand.

I wanted one big bag and two little ones for hand warmers so I just eye-balled it and cut some out. The little ones measure about 3 inches by 4 inches and the big one is about 6 inches by 8 inches.

Sew around the edges leaving a 2inch opening on one end.

Turn right side out. Using a funnel, add regular old rice. (The bag above was $3 at Walmart and I have enough left over to fill 1 more rice bag)

Hand stitch the opening closed.

And there you go. I added instructions that say to put large bag in microwave for 2 minutes. The small bags for about 1 minute.
10 days down, 2 more to go!