We went here to eat. I was quite disappointed not to see Alan Jackson. Our waitress said that the last time he was there, he sat 3 tables over from where we were. So cool!

We went to the zoo. It was beautiful weather so we spent the day walking around the zoo. My kids were totally pooped by the end of the day. It was great!!

We also went to the Rain Forrest Cafe for dinner. Not so good food, but a pretty cool atmosphere. My kids loved it!

We also saw this movie. LOVED it! I read the book a month or so ago. My 3rd grader is reading the book in class right now. We all, including my 2yr old thought it was wonderful!
I haven't been doing much crafting...but I want to. Here are some links to projects I am planning
- this darling playroom inspired me to redo ours. Check out her whole blog! It's great!!
- Look at this awesome mantle. Love it!
- I am definitely making these decorative balls
- I wanted to make these eggs but ran out of time. I might just do some brightly colored balls for jar fillers
- Another fun crafty item on my list
- Wish I would have done something like this, my kids would have loved it. I need to file that away for next year