Some change their Christmas decoration theme every year. But I just can't! I've done red, white and silver for quite a few years now and I love it just as much as I did the first year. To me, red and white just mean Christmas! I love, LOVE, l o v e the color red! This shelf area is one of my favorite to decorate!

I built the hanging door knob shelf when we first moved into this house. The JOY letters are paper mache from Hobby Lobby. The black candle holder is made out of an unfinished wooden candle stick and wooden circle glued together then spray painted. The manger block was made last year from a cut down 2x4 and vinyl from Say it On the Wall. The Season's Greetings canvas on the other side is from Home Goods.

The glittery snowman is from Target clearance last year. Love that! The candles are just cream colored with polka dot ribbon wrapped around them, set on silver candle sticks from around the house. The box is paper mache that I decoupaged paper onto. And of course there has to be an apothecary jar full of ornaments!

No holiday is complete without jars of treats! See that strip of red ribbon? That's our Christmas card holder. A post is coming about it.

I'm linking up to Rhoda's Christmas Vignette Party