Some days, a chocolate chip cookie is in order!!
I use the BEST recipe.
It's from a ward cookbook
(aren't ward cook books always full of the best tried and true recipes)
from when I lived in Utah. So yum!
The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies (by Nick Cutler)
1 lb margarine or butter 1 tsp salt
2 c. brown sugar 1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 c. white sugar 3 eggs
6 c. flour 2 tsp vanilla
6c. chocolate chips
Cream wet ingredients and add dry ingredients.
Mix well. Add chocolate chips.
Drop onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350* from 10-12 minutes.
Mix well. Add chocolate chips.
Drop onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350* from 10-12 minutes.
I usually cut the recipe in half and
am still left with about 4 dozen cookies or so.
That is a lot of cookies for me to eat.
My family only eats 1-2 cookies a piece and
I can't resist them and always eat way too many.
So unless I share with the neighbors or
(gasp) throw out stale cookies,
I usually have about this much dough left after cookies my 2 batches.
'So I decided to start freezing it!
I scoop it onto a cookie sheet.
Then pop the entire thing into the freezer.
After they are frozen solid,
I put them into a freezer bag and stick that in the freezer.
So when the next time a craving for choco chip cookies hits,
I'm prepared.
The frozen cookies can be placed directly
onto a cookie sheet and put into the oven.
Just add a few extra minutes to the cook time.
Very handy to have on hand for a last minute treat!!
Linking up to: Today's Creative Blog, GingerSnap Crafts