I am not a morning person. I have to try really hard to not be a complete grouch when I wake up. Unfortunately at least one of my children inherited this from me. So to help us all out in the mornings, I have tried to become more organized. I have them put their back-packs on hooks and shoes in cubbies by the back door, and I make their lunches while they are eating breakfast. It all contributes to a saner morning. One of the BEST things I ever did to help our mornings go smoother was make daily clothes hangers for my kids. (got the idea from here)
I just used printed duct tape (from Target), plastic hangers and tags for the days of the week.
Honestly, my daughter and I get along so much better in the mornings now that we don't fight about her clothes. It makes me so happy!
My son wanted some too, so I just purchased red and blue duct tape from Home Depot and made him some.
We choose all of their outfits for the week on Sunday night and hang them on each corresponding hanger. We make sure the outfit fits correctly, is comfortable and appropriate for the weather. When they wake up, they know to grab their clothes from their hanger and get dressed. It works so great!!
linking up to: Organize and Decorate everything
linking up to: Organize and Decorate everything