I am still playing a long with the photo a day thing from fat mum slim.
I like the prompts she uses and it challenges me every day to come up with a photo that represents our family's day to day activities that might otherwise not be recorded. Here are my photos for March:
1. up- on the wall at my son's pre school
2. fruit- strawberries and chocolate for an after school snack
3. your neighborhood
4. bedside
5. a smile- my boys laughing at Target
6. 5pm- dinner time
7. something you wore- the last wearing of my son's old shoes
8. window- a daffodil my son picked for me sitting in the kitchen window
9. pizza on red plates
10. loud- my son turns the sound up on my iPad as loud as it will go
11. someone you talked to today- my daughter after a bad day at school
12. fork- shredding BBQ chicken for dinner
13. a sign- at my kids' elementary school (ps look how hot it is!!)
14. clouds- jumping on the tramp in swimsuits. In March.
15. car- filling up our van with gas
16. sunglasses
17. green- St Patrick's Day surprises
18. a corner of your home- my messy desk
19. funny- my crazy boy sporting his St Patty's Day bling
20. before and after- our new deck
21. delicious- freshly baked brownies
22. kitchen sink
23. moon- there was no moon this night so this is my big kids after an evening at Chuck E Cheese
24. an animal- the only animals at our house
25. breakfast- he eats these for breakfast every single day
26. a key- my key chain
27. your name- an initial in my craft room
28. trash- boxes needing to be taken to the recycle bin
29. feet- my foot on the gas pedal of our car
30. toy- kids meal toy from our lunch date (his choice of restaurant)
31. where you relax- my sweetie and I relaxing in bed with our iPads
Have you been playing along? If not just start today. Here is the list for April .
linking up to: House of Smith's