Sunday I spoke at a fireside for the youth in my ward.
My topic was this year's youth theme, "Come Unto Christ."
In my talk I asked the youth how they could show that they are followers of Christ and listed
their answers on the board.
I reminded them that being a follower of Christ is a process and something we have to
work on all the time. None of us are perfect and we all have things we need to do better.
Then I asked them to accept the invitation to Come Unto Christ by writing down
(on the following card) the area(s) they want to improve on.
Some of the answers were: say sincere prayers, serve others, scripture study,
get rid of negative influences etc. Our youth did a great job with this!
I asked them to put their card, with what they are working on, somewhere they could see it.
I suggested on their mirror so they can see it each day and work on it each day.
This card would be a really good thing for anyone to work on their relationship with the Savior.