Color Fight Youth Group Activity- DIY colored powder

Are you looking for a fun Youth Group Activity?  

A Color Fight is so much fun!  

Color Fight Youth Group Activity - throw colored powder with DIY recipe for colored powder

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Hosting a color fight for a youth group activity is
a crowd favorite!  Everyone loves running around 
making a mess by throwing colored powder at each other!  

Now I'm not going to lie,
making the color fight powder was not easy.
If you have the budget you may want
to consider purchasing it here.

Recipe to Make DIY Color Fight Powder

recipe to make DIY color run powder


1 16 oz box of cornstarch
1/2 cup water

how to make DIY color run powder

Put 16 oz box of cornstarch in stand mixer.
Turn mixer on low.
Add full container of gel food color.  
(I only used 1/2 and the colors weren't as vibrant)
Dribble in 1/2 cup of water.  
Let the mixer stir.

Let the mixer do all the hard work for you- 
it may bog down a bit as the cornstarch and water harden, 
but keep mixing and it will break up.
Continue to mix until it gets pebble like.  
Mine took about 8-10 minutes for each batch.

how to make DIY color run powder

After mixing, pour the colored powder onto baking sheets.
Bake at 250* for 20-25 minutes.
Pull it out and let it cool.  
It will be hard and rock like.

how to make DIY color run powder

Put 3/4 cup into blender
and blend it to fine powder. 
Then pour it into sandwich baggies.

Each box of cornstarch made about 
6 bags of colored powder.

Youth Group Activity - color fight - DIY instructions for making color powder

For the color fight, 
I purchased white Tshirts for the youth in our group to wear.
We went to a park near our church for the activity.

Each youth received a baggie of powder
and away they went!  

Color run, Color Fight, Youth Group activity, DIY color powder

Color run, Color Fight, Youth Group activity, DIY color powder

Color run, Color Fight, Youth Group activity, DIY color powder

The laughing and screaming could be 
heard all around the park.

Color run, Color Fight, Youth Group activity, DIY color powder

I even got in on the action.  It was a blast!! 
A few of the kids got hit in the eye with powder. 
So I would recommend everyone wear sunglasses or goggles.  
And maybe even have some water handy to rinse the face.

We all had a lot of fun and would do it again!!

linking up to: Pinworthy Wedensday