Hanging towels with ribbon

Do you constantly have to pick up towels from your bathroom floor?  
If you have children, I'm sure you do.  

I used to, until I figured out that our towels will hang better if there is 
something to hang them with. 

And with ribbon, the hanging is cute too!

We only have white bath towels in our house since 
I like to be able to bleach them and make sure they are getting clean.

But that also leads to everyone not knowing which towel is theirs. 

I picked up lots of "nobody's" towels before I figured out a way to 
identify the towels and make them a tiny bit easier to hang up.

Each of my kids has a different color of ribbon.  

I folded the edges of the ribbon over and sewed back a forth a few times on my sewing machine.

Now I can see who left their towel on the floor.
Actually, my kids are soooo much better about hanging their towels up 
now that they can use the ribbon to hang them.

It's a simple and easy fix!