Well, hello there!
Long time, no see!
After a busy (and kinda quick) summer, I am back to update what we've been up to.
These 3 babes are back in school.
They are at 3 different schools for 6th grade, 2nd grade and 9th grade.
Now that they are back in school, my house is cleaner than it has been in months!
And I'm ready to get back to blogging.
But first an update on how we spent our summer.
Early in the summer, we came up with our bucket list.
I'm happy to say that we did almost all of them.
In the 10 years we have lived in TN, we've heard that
the Nashville fireworks and celebration were some of the best!
We finally experienced it for ourselves. The show lived up to the hype!
It was by far the best fireworks show we've ever seen!
It was completely worth braving the crowd of 150,000+ people, walking miles and miles,
using porta potty's (ewwww), standing for 2 hours and getting drenched in a rain storm.
I really need to do a post all about this event. It was amazing!
We had season passes to our local water park, Nashville Shores.
We went at least once a week and had a blast!
I would absolutely recommend getting season passes.
For a small vacation, we spent a long weekend in Pigeon Forge, a few hours away from our house.
It's a major tourist place. But we had the best time doing the touristy things.
We only scratched the surface of the things to do there,
but I would highly recommend a trip to Pigeon Forge.
Just make sure to bring lots of money and lots of patience
because there is a ton of people and everything costs tons of money.
As we were prepping for back to school, I took each of my kids on a lunch/shopping
date by themselves.
It was wonderful to concentrate on one child at a time and spend one on one time with them.
Now that we are headed into fall, we are full fledged into football season.
My oldest is playing his first season as a freshman.
(he's #65 in the above pics)
My youngest (that's him with his hand on the ball)
is playing little league football for the first time as well.
So needless to say, most of our evenings are taken up with football practices and games.
So that's a recap of our summer!
I'll be back with lots of decorating and organizing ideas, and a bunch of crafty stuff!