Yearly theme {one little word} 6 month check in

Today I'm sharing my yearly theme or 


6 month check in.

6 month check in, yearly theme, olw, one little word

Do you choose a theme for the year? 

Some choose 1 word to inspire, 
represent and motivate them for the year.  
It's called "One Little Word."

I have for quite a few years.
 see 20122015, 2016

This year in January, our whole family chose a word.

scrapbook supplies, craft supplies, letters

I pulled out the drawers and drawers of 
letters, scrapbook supplies and craft supplies that I have.
My hoarding comes in handy once in a while!!  

My family members put lots of thought into the words they 
wanted to represent them for 2017.

We mixed and matched letters and shapes to come up
with word strips.

hope, light, faith, kindness, power, letters

I love the words everyone chose.

I chose Hope!

This year, I have made a special effort to 
look to the future with HOPE.


I have been training my mind to see positive.

I have been journaling my blessings
and the things I am grateful for.

 I have been setting goals toward having hope and 
visualizing the outcomes I want.

I have been reading inspiring books.

I have been trying to dwell less
on the negative things around me.

I have been listening to uplifting podcasts and talks.

she believed that she could so she did bracelet

never never give up, necklace, charm, vintage

I have been wearing jewelry to remind me of my goals.

When things get me down,
I try not to stay down.

I take a break and remind myself that 
I am in control of how I think and act!

I can look to the future with Hope!
I can be happy and have joy no
matter what my circumstances are!


Do you choose a yearly theme?
How are you doing on your goals this year?