DIY Faux Cement Pumpkin

Have you seen Cement Pumpkins in the store?  Oh my goodness I love them.  I had been looking for one forever, then found one but the stem was broken.  So I had to figure out how to make one.  I am happy to report that I did.  Here is a tutorial for making a DIY Faux Cement Pumpkin.

How to make a Faux  Cement Pumpkin

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While browsing my local craft store, I found the most darling cement pumpkin, but it was broken so I wasn't able to purchase it.  I was bummed out for a minute, but I asked myself:

Am I a DIY'er or not? 

The texture of the cement pumpkin reminded me of the DIY distressed flower pots Natalie from My Vintage Porch made.  I knew I could do something similar with pumpkins. 

Supplies needed to make a DIY faux cement pumpkin

Steps to make a Faux Cement Pumpkin

  • Smush (technical term) Spackle onto the entire pumpkin including the stem.  I grabbed a glob with my hands and smoothed it all over the surface of the pumpkin.  If the Spackle is too thick and lumpy, it can be watered down to make it smoother.

  • Let the pumpkin dry.  I like placing my projects on cheap cooling racks from the dollar store so that air circulates underneath.

  • After the Spackle is dry, get a paper towel slightly wet, then dab it into a little bit of paint.  You only need the smallest bit of several colors, like white, green, gray and a super tiny amount of orange.  
  • Pounce the paper towel up and down all over the pumpkin.  Spread the colors around randomly.

  • Use fine grit sandpaper to knock some of the rough edges off the pumpkin and give it a smoother texture.

Now you have a very light weight pumpkin that looks like it's made of cement.


And the best part is, these pumpkins only cost a little over $1, if you already have all of the other supplies.

I'm going to use my DIY Faux Cement Pumpkins in my holiday decorating this year.