I'm thrilled to be back this year for Design Dazzle Summer camp!
Summer is here! I'm so happy for the slower pace of life!
Things are definitely more relaxed around our house and I love it!
With all of the sleeping in, swimming, movie watching, video and computer games
and general playing that my kids are doing this summer,
I want to make sure they use their minds a little bit too.
I don't want them to loose all of the knowledge they gained over the last year in school.
So I am instituting journal writing in our day.
Each of my kids picked out their own notebook/journal from the store.
As much as I would have loved to have chosen their notebooks myself and artfully decorated them,
I wanted them to be able to take ownership of their journals.
So store bought it is! (One of the lessons of motherhood is choosing your battles!)
I came up with this list of journaling prompts.
It is my hope that they will spend some time on each prompt and really think it through.
My little dude is still working on his writing so I think this will really help his skills!
Having a journal full of their thoughts, dreams and goals will be a treasure
for them to look back over as they grow up.
And hopefully it will be something worthwhile that will keep my kids busy this summer!
Come see me at She's Crafty!