Cleaning Schedule: why I have one and you should too

I just developed a cleaning schedule for myself. You should have one too.

To keep a clean house you should have a cleaning schedule

Let me tell you why!

Having a clean house is super important to me.

clean house = clear mind!

I feel more together, more creative and my mind is much more clear.

As the one in our family that does not work outside the home, one would think that I have all the time
in the world to keep my house clean.

Why I have a cleaning schedule and you should have one too

The time that my kids spend in school goes surprisingly fast at home.  I drop them off and before I know it, it's time to pick them up again.

In my need to have a clean home, I have always spend a large portion of every day cleaning.
It's a NEVER ending job.

So I did 2 things:
1.  I changed the way I think about cleaning.
2.  I made a cleaning schedule.


Even with my kids doing chores, keeping up with this house is a ongoing and  n e v e r  e n d i n g project.

I figured out that no matter how much time I spend cleaning, there will always be more to do.  I may as well not spend ALL of my time cleaning or worrying about it.

That realization alone made a big difference in how I view my home and housekeeping.

I needed to be smarter how I budget my time and accomplish things.

Perhaps I could relax my strict "house has to spic and span" rules to have a happier life!!

After changing my attitude about how much time I need to spend cleaning a day, I decided to come up with a cleaning schedule.

My schedule looks like this:

why you should have a cleaning schedule, weekly cleaning schedule

I planned which chores needed to be done on a specific day. For example, after the weekend, the laundry needs to be done, everything is full of dust  and the floors need to be vacuumed.


Mondays are dusting and floor days.  I do a quick pick up. I dust all of the surfaces in all of the house. Doing all of it at once, makes it go really quickly. Then I vacuum all of the carpet and rugs.

Tuesday I deep clean all of the bathrooms.  I scrub all of the tub/showers, wipe the mirrors and sink, clean the toilets and then scrub the floors.

Wednesday I clean the kitchen. I wipe down all of the cupboards, clean out the fridge, clean out the  trashcan, straighten up the pantry, scrub the floor,

Thursday is for yardwork. I mow the lawn (which I love to do) weed the garden If I don't do yardwork, then I work on the Living Room.

Friday is my swing day. I finish up any tasks that haven't been completed and prep for the weekend.

I do laundry about twice a week using the method I talked about in this Instagram post.

I  have been using this system for about a month now.  I am happy to say that it is working!!

Keep track of cleaning schedule in planner

In my planner, I keep track of what chores need to be done on which day with washi tape.

If something comes up and I don't get to a chore, I have my family help me at night. That is working very well too.

This system has literally been life changing!  I am way less irritable about cleaning.  I feel less like the maid in my family.  I am using my time much better and feel that I am accomplishing much more.

So that I why I have a cleaning schedule, and you should too!!

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