Learn about the 15 lists to keep track of in the Notes on your phone.
My phone has been my constant companion for several years now. I seriously could not live without it. You may think that is because of the phone and texting feature. Nope. And it's not because of easy access to social media either. The reason I could not live without my phone is because of the Notes. Is that unexpected? Let me explain.
I have always been a list maker. I used to write all of my lists and notes on paper notebooks that I would leave in my purse and all over my house. The draw back to writing in notebooks is that when I need it, it is usually not with me. So I started writing my lists in the Notes on my phone because I always have my phone with me.
First of all, let me say that I'm sure there are better apps to keep track of the notes and documents that I use the Notes app for. But it has worked really well for me and I'm happy with Notes. So what are the lists I keep in the Notes? I'm glad you asked! :)
15 lists to keep track of in the Notes on your phone
- To-Do List
This one is obvious. Of course I keep a to-do list, I'm sure you do too. I like to write ALL OF THE TASKS on my to-do list and use the check mark to note when I've finished a task. I don't just keep today's tasks on the list though. I keep a long list of all of the things I want to do. I have found that getting all of those little tasks out of my head and onto paper frees up brain space. I put the most important ones on top and adjust the rest of the list accordingly. I love having my to do list on my phone because it's so easy to add to and erase the tasks!
- Gratitude List
Life is hard and my brain automatically wants to find everything that is wrong. And there is a lot wrong in 2020. But there is SO MUCH that is good, it just takes a little bit more looking for find it. As a part of my morning routine I write in my journal, and that always includes things I'm grateful for. But I have found that having a gratitude list on my phone brings gratitude to my mind more often. When I notice blessings, tender mercies or something beautiful, I write it down.
- Win List
Do you sometimes think that no one notices all of the things you do every day? I am right there with ya! A few years ago, I got fed up with waiting for someone to notice me. BTW- this isn't a dis against my family. They are amazing but it was never their job to notice me in the way that I wanted. I needed to have my own back! To do that, I keep a list of all of my wins. A win doesn't really have a definition. It can be anything that I work hard on, something hard I fight through, an act of service, making dinner, getting a work out in... anything that I used to wish someone else would notice. I notice and keep track of those wins. When I'm having a bad day, I can go back and look at my wins.
- Christmas List
The Christmas season is stressful enough without killing yourself trying to think of the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Keep track of ideas through out the year. If you hear your nephew mention the Lego set he wants, write it down. If your daughter tells you about some boots she's looking at, write it down. Then later when you're Christmas shopping, you'll already have a list of perfect gifts for your loved ones.
- Books I want to read
I'm sure you've been recommended a book by a friend, but by the time you get to the library, you've forgotten what the title of the book was. That has happened to me so often that now I keep a list of books in the notes on my phone. Read a good book review, add the title to the list. Hear about a new book coming out, add it to the list. Then you can reserve it from your library, in person or online, and have a new book to read.
- Blog Editorial Calendar
When I shifted to blogging more often, I needed a way to keep track of my projects and posts. I kept a calendar on the wall near my computer, but like with the notebooks above, I would think of ideas or want to switch things around while in carpool lane and not have my calendar with me. So I started keeping track of my blog posts on my phone. I blog 3 times a week, so I keep track of 3 posts per week. It's easy to move ideas around and accommodate any changes. It's also easy to look ahead and get supplies or be thinking of my next post.
- Quotes I like
I am often inspired by the quotes I read all day but I easily forget them. I have started writing them down in a list on my phone. It only takes a sec to record them and I can even do it with a voice memo. Later I can write them down or have my daughter make a lettered piece of art.
- Good Things
Being a mom is fun because kids are hilarious! I love keeping track of our funny conversations, whitty comments my kids make and nice things that others say about my kids. Some of that gets lost in the hustle and bustle of life, but if I keep track with my phone, it's recorded so I won't forget. I also like to keep track of the sweet things they say, the kind things that are done for me and my family and the great conversations I have. Anything that makes me feel good, goes on this list.
- Project List
- Meal Plan
I am not even joking when I say that meal planning changed my life. Knowing a head of time what I will be making for dinner has made my afternoon and evenings so much smoother! I have a document in my notes that is for meal planning. At the bottom of the document is a list of our favorite meals. On Sunday evenings when I am prepping for the week, I plan our meals and add things to our grocery list.
- Grocery List
- Store Lists
This is in addition to the grocery store. With my running stream of projects, I often need to pick up supplies at stores like Lowe's, Hobby Lobby and the dollar store. So even though I go to the store for a specific item, I'll check my list and be reminded that I'm almost out of wood screws or mod podge and can get buy those things while I'm there as well.
- Movies/shows I want to watch
This is the same as the books. I get shows suggested to me all the time. But when I go to turn on Netflix in the evening, I can't find a single thing I want to watch and don't remember what was suggested. Ener the notes on my phone. If I keep track of shows to watch, when I have a time to watch, I'll have a list all ready for me.
- Chore List
- Scanned Documents
Did you know that your iPhone can be used as a scanner too? I don't' know anything about other phones, but I'm sure they have something similar. When I am given a paper, like a lunch calendar from school, meeting agenda for a church meeting, sign ups, or any other random paper that I am likely to lose, I scan it and add it to the notes in my phone. Later when I have a question about what's for lunch this week, I can pull up the document and see. It is super easy to do.
linking up to: A morning cup of joe Friday Favorites Ultimate Pinterest Party