How to Use Wheat Grass in your Spring Home Decor

If you're looking for an easy way to add green to your spring home décor, I will show you how to grow and use Wheat Grass in your home for the season.  

How to Decorate with Wheat Grass in your Spring Home Decor - Pinterest Pin.

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Wheat Grass is such a pretty decoration for Spring.  It's super inexpensive and easy to grow as well.  I have been growing it for a few years now.  

How to decorate with wheat grass - use wheat berries

Wheat Berries   I get the wheat berries from a local health food store, or you can get it here.  I can't believe how inexpensive it is.  I have used the same bag for several years now.  

How to Decorate with wheat grass - soak wheat berries in cup of water

Soak Wheat Berries   I put the wheat berries in a cup and then covered them with water for a few days.  It helps the berries to start sprouting so the grass grows quicker.

How to decorate with wheat grass - plant wheat berries in potting soil

Plant Wheat Berries.  I dug out a bunch of containers (and picked some up from the thrift store) and filled them with potting soil.  Then I spread a layer of soaked and sprouted wheat berries on top of the potting soil.

Use a continuous spray mister to water wheat grass

Water Wheat Berry Plants.  Keep the planted wheat berries moistened with a water bottle.  I like to use a continuous spray misting bottle so the berries don't get over watered.  

How to grow wheat grass - place wheat berries on potting soil.

Watch Wheat Grass Grow.  Within just a day or 2 you will notice the wheat grass berries starting to root.  Wheat grass grows best in the sun, so be sure to grow it in a sunny place.

How to decorate with wheat grass

Then just a few days later, you will have a full grown container of wheat grass in your home.  

How to use wheat grass in your home decor - place in the kitchen window seal.

Then comes the fun part- placing the wheat grass in various vignettes around your home!  

Wheat Grass - placed in vignette with vintage scale.

Wheat Grass - placed in vignette with vintage scale.

Wheat Grass grown in green ceramic bowl in front of wooden cutting boards

Wheat grass in Spring vignette in white book shelf.

Wheat grass in Spring vignette in white book shelf.

Trim wheat grass by cutting tops with scissors.

When the Wheat Grass gets too out of control, it can be trimmed with a pair of scissors.  

How to grow Wheat Grass - pinterest pin.

Wheat Grass is super easy to grow and adds a fun and easy touch to your Spring Home Decor.  

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