Welcome to another week of Come Follow Me FREE PRINTABLE. This printable will help you and your family study for the week of October 11-17.
Here it is Monday afternoon and I am finally getting this posted. Some weeks are just like that. Time passes and things come up and before we know it, we realize that it's Monday afternoon and we haven't' made our printable and blog post yet?
A pep talk I gave myself is what I always say - The Lord Loves Effort. It's never too late or too little. We are blessed for the tiniest efforts we make to learn and study about the Lord and His Gospel. So even though I'm several hours passed when I normally like to do this post, here I am putting it out there.
Come Follow Me Home Study Printable for 2021
I also have some my favorite media to help with my scripture study. I love this podcast from Meridian Magazine and the podcast called One Minute Scripture Study. On Instagram I like: Come Follow Me Study, Come Follow Me 365, and B of M 365. I find it especially enriching to read the IG comments. It's like a really really good Sunday School discussion.
Come Follow Me Free Printable October 11-17
How to Save and Print the Come Follow Me Printable
- Right click on the image and save it to your computer. I keep a Come Follow Me folder in each month of photos on my computer.
- Print out the Printable.
- Hang it somewhere in your house that your family can see often- like your fridge.
- Feel good that you've made an effort to do Come Follow Me for the week! :)
I make these printables for me and my family. Since they help us so much, I figured I would share them here on She's Crafty. My family needs all of the help we can get and my guess is that we are not the only ones that need help!
Each Monday we start a new week and it's the perfect opportunity to study Come Follow Me. I know that the Lord does not expect perfection, he just wants us to try! So print off your Come Follow Me Printable to help your family learn the lessons this week!