If you're looking for a way to help your family study the Book of Mormon lesson for the week of August 17-23, check out this Come Follow Me Free Printable.
This has been a very exciting time in our family! Last week we got to meet our oldest son in the mission field and attend the temple with him. Also, our youngest son started school, on line. This week, I take our daughter to BYU in Utah. With all that is going on, it's comforting to have Come Follow Me be the same!
Every Monday I make a Come Follow Me printable and hang it on our fridge. Sometimes I think no one in my family looks at it and I get discouraged. But I know that every little bit of learning helps each of us with our testimonies. So that is what keeps me making these week after week!
Come Follow Me Home Study Printable for 2020
When our church implemented a more home centered, church supported curriculum, I was super excited. I made a Come Follow Me magnet and printable to hang on our fridge every week to help us study our church's doctrine. Some weeks we do really well and have amazing gospel instructions. Other weeks, we struggle. But that's just life right?
I make the printable from information given in the provided weekly outline. I have really enjoyed making a new printable each week and it helps me to study the lesson!
Come Follow Me Free Printable August 17-23
STOP what you're doing and do the following right now! Go on, I'll wait!
- Right click on the image, save it to your computer, and print it out.
- Hang it somewhere in your house that your family can see often.
- Feel good that you've made an effort to do Come Follow Me for the week! :)
See Printable for: July 20-26 July 27-Aug 2 Aug 3-9 Aug 10-16