Read this list of must have supplies to have on hand to make Holiday Decorating easier.
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Guys, I don't mean to alarm you but Christmas is coming up. It's only 8 weeks until the big day and we'll all be decking our halls. I 'm planning my holiday decor now and one thing is for sure, I need all the help I can get. So I'm gathering ALL OF THE THINGS that help make easy holiday decorating.
Must Have Supplies for Holiday Decorating
We put tons of work into making our homes magical for the holidays. And a lot of that work is behind the scenes. I have a list of must have supplies that I keep on hand to make it a little easier.
Command Hooks and Velcro
Command Hooks and Velcro are the number one used supply in my decorating arsenal. To hang photos, artwork, stockings, signs, garlands, light strands and so many other things I use:
They are removeable and don't damage your wall, if they are removed properly. Using a hook is so much easier than having to repair a hole in the wall (even though that's pretty easy too and I explain how I do it at the bottom of this post.)
Hot Glue Gun
A hot glue gun is a no brainer for any crafter, or really any person. My daughter took a mini one with her to college and uses it all the time. I use a glue gun for so many household things, especially holiday decorating. This version is the updated version of mine.
Twine and Fishing Line
Twine and fishing line are definitely must haves. I use twine to tie tags on gifts, to tie a wreath to a hook on the door, to tie treat sacks closed etc. I especially like this cotton twine. I use fishing line to tie things when I want the string to disappear, like if you hang something from the ceiling.
Poster Putty
Poster putty works great to well - hold posters or papers on the wall. I also use it to secure items and keep them standing on a shelf. It comes in a few colors but I like white poster putty the best.
Thumb Tacks
If poster putty won't quite hold an item on the wall, you can use thumb tacks to "tack" things. I also use them to hold garlands in place where a command hook won't work. I like clear ones the best.
Spray Paint
Spray paint is the best! It can give new life to old things. Have a hook you don't like the color of...spray paint it. Want to change the color of your stocking holders? Update a lamp so it goes with your décor better? Or change the color of your Christmas ornaments? Spray paint them! I like this spray paint because it has primer in it and covers well.
Candles are something you don't really think of as something to keep on hand, but they really add a lot of ambiance to a space. I like to keep unscented white candles on hand for projects like this one that I recently made and to add to candle holders. I also like battery operated tea lights and pillars since they don't have to be attended.
Hammer and Nails
Sometimes you have something to hang and thumb tacks and command hooks won't work. That's when it's time to use nails tapped in with a hammer. I like to keep a light weight craft hammer and a variety of sizes of nails in my craft room.
If you make nail holes, you'll need to fix the hole. An easy way to do that is keep spackle on hand. I like this one because it goes on purple, but turns white when it's dry. I use a tiny bit on my finger and rub it across the hole. Then I take a lightly dampened paper towel and wipe it all except the hole. It hides the hole really well without having to paint the entire wall.
These are my Must Have Supplies to keep on hand for Easy Holiday Decorating. Do you have any other supplies that you like to keep on hand . I'd love to hear about them.