If you love to thrift and are looking for tips for your next trip, I have a bunch of Thrifting Tips and Tricks along with some of my favorite thrifting finds.
If you've been around here for longer than five minutes, or follow me on Instagram, you know that I LOVE to thrift! I have been collecting thrifted finds for many, many years. Recently I have taken my love even further by having a booth at a local antique mall. It has been so much fun and means that I can thrift even more!
Every time I post about the things I've found at the thrift store, I always get questions about how I find stuff. I've heard that they can never find things because their thrift stores only have creepy porcelain dolls and dirty plastic cups. I promise the thrift stores I go to have those things too, but with some of my tips, I am usually able to find the good stuff!
Tips for Finding the Good Stuff While Thrifting
Go Often. You cannot find the good stuff if you don't go to the thrift store a lot. I go at least 2 times a week and sometimes even more. I have a little routine that I do when I shop. I walk straight in and go to the housewares. My good luck charm is to not grab a cart until my hands are full! There are many times that I regret that decision, but a good luck charm is a good luck charm!
Remember though that not every thrifting trip is successful so don't be afraid to leave empty handed.
Grab it when you see it. If you see something on the shelf that you may possibly want, grab it. You can always put it back later if you change your mind. Do not, I repeat DO NOT leave it on the shelf while you are thinking about the purchase. Because someone else will surely find your amazing treasure and snatch it up before you can make it back.
Make 2 trips up and down each aisle. I like to make several trips up and down the aisles. Actually that really all depends on how much time I have. If it's a quick trip, a fast lap usually has to suffice. But if I'm taking my time to find all the treasures, I go up and down each aisle twice. Every time I do this, I am surprised by the things I missed the first time.
Keep a List. Have a general idea of things you're looking for. While I like just about anything vintage, I keep a "to buy" list of various things in the notes on my phone. During a recent thrifting trip, I was looking for baskets for a wall gallery. I was able to find 5 different baskets that completed the gallery I had in mind. Woo hoo!
Be Open to Painting, Cleaning, Washing Try to keep an open mind when you are searching the aisles because sometimes you may find things that are in need of care. Don't be distracted by the paint color or the dirt. I am always open to cleaning and painting the awesome vintage finds that can be found. I have certain things I do to clean items and will do a blog post soon.
Favorite Thrift Store Finds
Wooden Cutting Boards. In addition to the platter stack above, I also have a dish rack to display my favorite platters. Underneath the dishrack is a peg rack that hold vintage wooden cutting boards.
Use the Thrifting Tips and Tricks above to find awesome things to add to your home collection.