If you're looking for an easier way to study the scriptures with your family in 2024, use this Free Printable Come Follow Me Study sheet. The information is taken from the Come Follow Me Lesson for Book of Mormon Jacob 1-4.
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If you haven't been here before, Welcome! Each week, I make a printable from the Come Follow Me outline the church provides. It has worked really well for my family for the past few years and I am offering them for free so it can help your family too!
What is Come Follow Me?
Come Follow Me is a program in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to help every individual and family learn the gospel - whether individually or with family. If you haven't studied the gospel regularly in the past, CFM can help you get started. If you already have a good habit of gospel study, this will help you have more meaningful experiences.
In the introductory of the Come Follow Me manual it says, "The aim of all gospel learning and teaching is to deepen our conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and help us become more like Them. For this reason, when we study the gospel, we’re not just looking for new information; we want to become a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This means relying on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help us change our hearts, our views, our actions, and our very natures.
But the kind of gospel learning that strengthens our faith and leads to the miracle of conversion doesn’t happen all at once. It extends beyond a classroom into our hearts and homes. It requires consistent, daily efforts to understand and live the gospel. Gospel learning that leads to true conversion requires the influence of the Holy Ghost."
I really like the following part:
"For these reasons, in our efforts to live, learn, and teach the gospel, we should first and foremost seek the companionship of the Spirit. This goal should govern our choices and guide our thoughts and actions. We should seek after whatever invites the influence of the Spirit and reject whatever drives that influence away—for we know that if we can be worthy of the presence of the Holy Ghost, we can also be worthy to live in the presence of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ."
Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Printable
I make these Come Follow Me printables from the provided Church curriculum because it is SO GOOD and does not need to be improved upon. The only reason I make the printable is because it's just fun to have a simple printable in a format that is easy to put on my fridge.
Come Follow Me Printable April 1-7
How to Save and Print Come Follow Me Printable
- Right click on one of the images above. When the menu pop up, click Save Image As and assign it a place to save on your computer. I organize my photos by year, by month and then by subject. I keep a "Come Follow Me" folder in each month of photos on my computer.
- Print out the printable on printer paper. This is the printer I use.
- Hang it somewhere in your house that your family can see often. I hang mine on our fridge, right above the water dispenser.
- This is the most important one - Feel good that you've made an effort to do Come Follow Me for the week! :)
I am so thankful for the Come Follow Me program because the way some days go, with out the help the church (and the other resources) provide and the printable hanging on my fridge, I don't know if I'd do any scripture studying at all!
The start of each new week (and new month and year) is the perfect opportunity to start a new habit of studying. I know that the Lord does not expect perfection, he just wants us to try! So print off your Come Follow Me Printable and set a goal to study your Bible this week to gain new insights and strengthen your testimony.
Other Come Follow Me Resources
I use a lot of other resources in my personal Come Follow Me study.
- the Don't Miss This podcast and videos
- the podcast called One Minute Scripture Study.
- B of M 365 on Instagram. I especially love to read the comments because it's like a really good Sunday School lesson with lots of participation.
- Come Follow Me Study on Instagram. On the this account, Calli does a big picture Monday video that I just love! She gives the main stories of this week's lesson so we can focus on the gospel messages instead of spend our scripture study trying to figure out what's going on.
- Unshaken on YouTube and podcast. Brother Halverson is a very educated theologian, seminary and institute teacher (bonus points that he used to live in my town) that does a very in depth verse by verse study. I like to listen to the podcast while walking my dog, working on projects and cleaning.